MANILA, Philippines - Filipina singer KZ Tandingan’s debut in China’s biggest singing competition, Singer 2018, unseats the international star Jessie J from the top spot.

Among her competitors are popular singers from around the world, including Jessie J from the United Kingdom; Tien Chong from Hong Kong, Angela Chang from Taiwan; Li Xiaodong, Wang Feng, James Li and Juno Su all from China to compete against each other.

KZ Tandingan competes with her ‘idol’ Jessie J
KZ Tandingan competes with her ‘idol’ Jessie J | Photo Courtesy: Facebook/China Singer 2018

Jessie J had been undefeated for the past three episodes. Last Friday, KZ’s debut as a “challenger” had brought the house down. Singing her own version of Adele's “Rolling in the Deep,” the Kapamilya star showed spunk, energy and amazing vocal range. The singer-performer even added a bit of “Pinoy pride” as she rapped in Tagalog in the middle of the song. Her performance impressed the judges and the audience that she immediately earned the top spot for that week.

Jessie J also also wowed with "Ain't Nobody." She earned the second spot for the week. The rankings were based on votes from the studio audience.

KZ will move to the next round and the show will welcome a new challenger.

Meeting her ‘idol’

KZ Tandingan, who rose to popularity for winning the first season of The X Factor Philippines in 2012 revealed that Jessie J had a huge influence on her music. It can be recalled that during KZ’s stint in “Your Face Sounds Familiar” in 2015, she even performed as Jessie J.

Prior to the start of their competition, KZ met up with her ‘idol’ international star, Jessie J. The two singers shared a heartwarming hug as KZ tried to explain her admiration for the Flashlight star. An emotional KZ asked Jessie J, “Who would compete with you?”

She went on to share, “A big chunk of a big chunk of me as an artist is because of you.”

KZ very thankful for “challenging but exciting journey”

On her Instagram account, KZ also shared her excitement for the opportunity. She posted, “I’m so glad i finally get to tell you guys. I’m blessed to be chosen as one of the participants in China’s Biggest Singing Competition, “Singer.” I’ll be coming in as a the first international challenger on the 5th episode.”

The Dabawenya singer added that she’s asking for support and prayers from her kababayans, “Please keep our team in your prayers as we step into this unfamiliar and challenging but exciting journey. Thank you everyone! I will do my best! #DiPasisiilSaTakotatKaba”

You can watch KZ and Jessie J’s performances on Singer 2018 here:

You can also view the heartwarming meeting of KZ and Jessie J here:

— Sally, The Summit Express


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