MANILA, Philippines - The August 2017 Nutritionist Dietitian board exam results, which include the full list of passers, top 10 (topnotchers), top performing schools and performance of schools are officially released online on Wednesday, August 23 or in two (2) working days after the exam.
PRC administered the Nutritionist-Dietitian licensure exam on August 20 and 21 in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Zamboanga.
Nutritionist Dietitian board exam related results summary:- Top 10 Passers: August 2017 Nutritionist Dietitian board exam results
- Performance of schools August 2017 Nutritionist Dietitian board exam
The members of the Board of Nutrition and Dietetics who gave the licensure examination are Virgith B. Buena, Chairman; Imelda A. Agdeppa and Rhoda Joy R. Buenviaje, Members.
Roll of Successful Examinees in theNUTRITIONIST-DIETITIAN LICENSURE EXAMINATIONHeld on AUGUST 20&21, 2017
Released on AUGUST 23, 2017
Now updating for the list of passers...refresh page for the results.
REGISTRATION OF PASSERS AND OATHTAKINGAccording to PRC, registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration will be done on-line. Please go to and follow instructions for initial registration.
Those who will register are required to bring the following:
- Notice of admission
- duly accomplished Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal
- 2 pieces passport size pictures (colored with white background and complete name tag)
- 2 sets of documentary stamps
PRC advised that successful examinees should personally register and sign in the Roster of Registered Professionals.
The date and venue for the oathtaking ceremony of the new successful examinees in the said examination WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER.
VERIFICATION OF RATINGSNutritionist Dietitian board exam verification of ratings (passers, non-passers and removal) can be done online.
Visit PRC's "
Verification of Rating" service and enter the required information to verify your identity. Note that this will be available in few working days after the release of results.
COVERAGE OF EXAMINATIONThe two-day exams covered nutritional biochemistry and clinical dietitics (35%) and community and public health (30%) on Day 1; and another 35% for foods and food service systems on the second day.
RATINGS IN THE EXAMINATIONSPRC said that to pass the examinations, a candidate must obtain an average of 70%, with no rating below 50% in any subject: Provided, that an applicant who fails to obtain a passing average but who obtained at least seventy percent in each of at least one-half of the total subjects given in the examinations, may be permitted to take within one (1) year from the date of his examination, another examination, on the subjects in which he obtained a grade below seventy percent.
Should the examinee fail in the set of subjects repeated in the second examinations, he/she shall be required to take all the subjects in the next examinations, PRC said.
RELEASE OF EXAM RESULTSThe March 2017 Nutritionist Dietitian board exam results were released after two (2) working days. A total of 755 out of 1,047 passed the exams.
In August 2015 exam, PRC has released results in 2 working days after the tests. A total of 705 out of 1,089 passed with University of the Philippines (UP) - Los Banos grad topped the exam.
During the July 2014 licensure exam, results were released online also in 2 working days. PRC named 634 out of 997 who have passed the exam. UP-Diliman alum managed to get the highest place.
According to
PRC Resolution No. 2016-1019, which deals with the 'Schedule of Licensure Examinations for Year 2017', the target release date of results for the recent Nutritionist-Dietitian board exam is on
Wednesday, August 23 or in two (2) working days after the exam.
SUMMARY: Nutritionist Dietitian board exam results in the past four years. Exam Date | Total Examinees | Total Passers | Passing Rate | Days before results release |
August 2017 | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
March 2017 | 1,047 | 755 | 72.11% | 2 |
August 2015 | 1,089 | 705 | 64.74% | 2 |
July 2014 | 997 | 634 | 63.59% | 2 |
July 2013 | 940 | 605 | 64.36% | 2 |
UPDATESMonitor this page for the real-time updates on Nutritionist-Dietitian board exam results. Check out also the official website of PRC ( for more information.