MANILA, Philippines - Hashtags member Franco Hernandez has been laid to rest but stories behind the accident continue to surface. Franco’s parents and his girlfriend, Janica Nam Floresca revealed details that contradict to the earlier version of the story of another Hashtags Tom Doromal.

Hashtags Tom Doromal and Franco Hernandez
Tom Doromal to Franco Hernandez: "Frankie.. sobrang mahal kita bro. Alam mo yan." | Photo: Twitter/Tom Doromal

Contrary to the bangkeros earlier claim that they had been reminded to wear their life vests, Floresca insisted that they were offered none at all. Floresca admitted that she was hesitant about not having any life vests on the boat but she felt assured that Tom would know what’s best. Floresca also added that she had continually informed Tom that she and Franco didn’t know how to swim.


On their way to the island, they were aboard two boats but on their way back, Tom suggested they all fit in one. When a huge wave hit them, water started filling the small boat. They were all asked to jump off board and swim ashore. Floresca and Tom tried to cling to a bangkero but the waves kept on hitting them. Until Floresca realized she and Franco were the only ones left behind. She tried to call out to Franco but no longer hears any response. Floresca described the ordeal, “Kaso wala, iniwan nila talaga kami, nalulunod na kami. Tapos nun, parang ako, nung time na yun, sabi ko, 'Wala na ‘to, wala na ‘to. Di ko na kaya.'”

Floresca also denied Tom’s claim that they immediately rushed Franco to the hospital. Floresca clarified that Franco was rushed to Tom’s house where a nurse performed a CPR to try to revive him. When the nurse informed Floresca that there was no chance, she rushed Franco to the hospital. She said, “Kasi hindi naman talaga ni-rush. And ako lang yung nag-rush. Ako lang yung sumama. Sumunod lang sila.”

Hashtags' Franco Hernandez and her girlfriend Janica Nam Floresca.
Hashtags' Franco Hernandez and her girlfriend Janica Nam Floresca.

Franco’s parents spoke with Tom and family

Franco’s parents also spoke up and revealed that they already had a meeting with Tom and his family. Tom admitted that he was reminded by his family to bring the life vests but “it slipped his mind.” They no longer asked for an autopsy to find out why Franco had head injuries. They said that they would rather have Franco rest in peace and the accident be a lesson to others.

Tom Doromal posts cryptic tweet

After the revelation made the rounds on the internet, Tom posted a cryptic tweet, “It’s okay. God knows.”

There’s also a screenshot that allegedly shows a private conversation between a netizen and Tom. Tom allegedly replied, “You really believe the statement that was released? Thanks. just wait. You haven't heard it all."

Tom Doromal Instagram post
Screenshot of alleged conversation of Tom and a netizen Photo Courtesy: PEP

— Sally, The Summit Express


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