MANILA, Philippines - Sexy star Mocha Uson made some clarifications about her controversial statement about Vice President-elect Leni Robredo on her Facebook page.

Mocha Uson
Photo Credit: Mocha Uson Blog
The outspoken member of girl group Mocha Girls addressed supporters of the Camarines Sur solon, whom she called “yellow warriors,” after coming under fire for a post on Facebook regarding Robredo. In the controversial Facebook post, Uson warned Robredo that they will be watching over her.

Uson also threatened the incoming vice president that Duterte Die Hard supporters (DDS) will be forced to remove her from the office if she will not support President-elect Rodrigo Duterte.

Because Uson was widely criticized for her statement about Robredo, the celebrity supporter of the Duterte-Cayetano tandem clarified some issues concerning her post.

“Never ko sinabing nandaya si VP Leni. (I didn’t say that VP Leni cheated.) As a matter of fact I even said I respect the results of this election,” Uson wrote.

Uson, who claims she doesn’t support Robredo nor her closest rival Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, repeatedly said her loyalty is with losing vice presidential aspirant Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano. She also denied mentioning plan B in her statement.

“I am not a supporter of BBM nor Leni because I still believe that Cayetano is the best VP for Pres. Duterte.”

Although Uson respects the results of the elections, she said DDS will be watching over Robredo, who is a member of the Liberal Party.

“Her loyalty should no longer be with Aquino, Roxas or to her Party. Her loyalty should be to our President Duterte and since you are the VP of our country, dapat ang katapatan mo ay sa bayan din (your loyalty should be to our nation).

Towards the end of her post, Uson said that they will support Robredo if she will support Duterte.

--Mini, The Summit Express


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