As the Filipino voters continues to scan the list of the qualifications of the six candidates vying for the second highest post of the land, the race to win the vice presidency has became more interesting than ever.

10 Things To Know About VP Candidate Leni Robredo

Are Filipinos ready for a second woman as their next vice president? Take a glimpse of Congresswoman Leni Robredo’s life and accomplishments by learning ten interesting facts about her.

1. Human rights lawyer.

As how she always introduces herself, Robredo is just a newbie in the political arena. She's currently on her first term serving as the representative of the third district of Camarines Sur. While her track record in the legislature is just blossoming, Robredo has already proven her name in public service being a human rights lawyer for SALIGAN, an organization that offers free legal assistance to the poor.

2. Pushes for zero hunger, shared prosperity and gender equality.

Robredo promises to continue and improve the “Daang Matuwid” governance.
Robredo promises to continue and improve the “Daang Matuwid” governance.
Photo credit: Noynoy Aquino Facebook page
Part of Robredo's platform is to eradicate hunger, equal distribution of wealth and opportunities all over the country not only in Metro Manila and selected big cities. As a woman and a mother of three, Robredo is aiming for gender equality, allowing women to get equal access to opportunities and enabling people from all walks of life to participate in policy making in their communities.

3. Against political dynasties and death penalty.

Death penalty is not a cure for crime according to Robredo, citing the accomplishments that the late DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo had accomplished during his tenure as mayor of Naga City. Robredo also wants to put an end in the political dynasty system in the country’s political structure.

4. Yes to Freedom of Information Bill, no to contractualization.

Leni Robredo comes from a simple background prior to her ascendancy to power and fame (video courtesy of CNN Philippines.)

Although Robredo is proposing a "supply-driven" version of FOI to be passed as this will make the government to compulsory provide information of its transactions to the public. Also, she wants to pass the Security of Tenure Bill that will improve the working condition of ordinary workers by halting the long-time practice of contractualization in the workforce.

5. An ordinary commuter advocating for "tsinelas leadership."

Probably what makes Robredo a standout among her rivals in the VP post is that she truly embodies how it’s like to be an ordinary public servant by taking public transport whenever she goes to and from Manila or Naga.

She is also known wearing her trademark tsinelas footwear whenever she visits her constituents on her district every week as she believes that she should always have a regular interaction with her people to know their needs.

6. Sudoku lover.

Leni with her daughters, Jillian, Tricia and Aika.
Leni with her daughters, Jillian, Tricia and Aika.
Photo credit: Modern Filipina Magazine online
Aside from patronizing the works of famous authors like Tom Clancy and John Grisham, Leni loves to play Sudoku game at home on her free time.

7. She could have been a judge.

Prior to her husband's death, Robredo is almost an inch away from becoming a Regional Trial Court Judge just like her father, unfortunately, the untimely death of Jesse altered the course of her career which eventually pointed her to lead the third district of Camarines Sur in the congress.

8. PHP 8.03 million.

According to Robredo herself, she sees the outcome of the VP race favoring her (video courtesy of ABS-CBN News Youtube account.)

PHP 8.03 million was the total net worth that Robredo filed on her 2014 SALN, slightly lower than her PHP 8.29 million SALN that she initially filed upon assuming a seat in the congress in 2013. The 2014 figure made her the 49th poorest member of the House of Representatives.

9. Tea lover and hands-on mom.

Green tea to be specific, Leni is known to be a frequent drinker of green tea every morning as she personally packs the things inside the bag of her youngest daughter, Jillian before she sends her to school. Leni also personally plans the itineraries of her family whenever they got the chance to go for out-of-town trips.

10. A constructive critic of the administration.

The 51-year old congresswoman may have been the anointed one of President Aquino and the Liberal Party to assist their standard bearer Mar Roxas to continue the "Daang Matuwid" governance but Robredo has been vocal that aside from the laudable accomplishments of the Aquino administration, there are still more work to do, things to improve and errors that needs to be corrected like putting new faces to helm the disastrous Department of Transportation and Communication.

Robredo vows full support towards his running mate Roxas once they assume office.
Robredo vows full support towards his running mate Roxas once they assume office.
Photo credit: Leni Robredo Official Website
Even when Roxas invited her to become his running mate, Robredo admitted to the media on some interviews that not all her positions on issues perfectly aligns well with Roxas' but stated that they were able to adjust well to each other’s vantage points.

--Michael Santiago, The Summit Express


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