MANILA, Philippines - Filipinos will witness how the little warrior Caitlin Soleil Lucas known by the monicker 'Courageous Caitie' battled over a rare disease in a special episode of ABS-CBN's long-running drama anthology "Maalaala Mo Kaya" this Saturday, June 25.

MMK to feature life story of 'Courageous Caitie' this June 25

'Courageous Caitie' who passed away late March in Singapore suffered from juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JML).


Shaina Magdayao and JC de Vera will play the role of Lucas' parents.

On Facebook, Lucas' parents encouraged viewers not just to cry or inspire but to grow their relationship with the God.

"That people will not just cry or be inspired but those who would watch will be moved to do something and to practice their faith. To understand grace and to find ways to grow in their relationship with Jesus."

" It is our deepest desire that those who followed our story will indeed experience a personal relationship and a revival."

The little warrior's ordeal with the rare form of leukemia started after her parents noticed rashes which turned into bruises in December last year. Initially, Caitie was misdiagnosed with tuberculosis last January and underwent a series of medication for it. Unfortunately, her conditioned only worsened.

In February, her family brought her to a reputable hospital in Singapore where she was diagnosed with JML.

Her happy disposition and unbelievable display of courage despite her difficult and painful situation has attracted thousands of followers and donors on her Facebook page.

WATCH: MMK 25 "Courageous Catie" June 25, 2016 Teaser (video courtesy of ABS-CBN)


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