MANILA, Philippines - The annual Feast of Black Nazarene happens today, Saturday, January 9, 2016. About 13-15 million devotees are expected to flock in the parade known as "Traslacion" or passage of life-sized, dark wooden statue of Jesus Christ through procession. Livestream video is now available for those who will monitor mass at Quiapo Church and procession from Quirino Grandstand.

Feast of Black Nazarene mass, procession 2016

Mindful of true devotion to the Black Nazarene, this year’s Traslacion theme is "Banal na Eukaristiya, Buhay ng mga Sumasampalataya sa Poong Hesus Nazareno sa Taon ng Awa,” which is in line with the announced Eucharistic Congress to be held at Cebu on January 24-31 as well as the declaration of 2016 as the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The official website of the Quiapo Church brings the livestream feed of the overnight vigil on January 8 to 9.

WATCH: TV Maria Livestreaming for Feast of the Black Nazarene (courtesy of Quiapo Church)

The long procession commemorating the Traslacion will immediately follow at 7:00 in the morning.

Note: Once available, live stream video from major news organizations ABS-CBN News, GMA News and TV5 will be embedded here.

On Friday (vesperas), the celebration at the Luneta has started where the Black Nazarene from Quiapo becomes accessible for a larger crowd of devotees to kiss and touch. This is known as the “pahalik”.

The famous church, known for the miraculous black image of the genuflecting Christ with the cross on His shoulder, had gained popular devotion throughout the archipelago. The church received the papal blessing of Pope John Paul II as the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene in 1987.

The annual celebration of the Feast of the Black Nazarene’s arrival in Quiapo church is a partnership of the Church with government and various NGOs. This collaborative effort is crucial in ensuring a peaceful and meaningful observance of the feast for the majority of the faithful and the devotees as well.

Reports say that over 4,000 personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP) were deployed to secure peace and ordder for the Feast of the Black Nazarene.

Meanwhile, Manila Mayor Estrada suspends classes in all levels (public and private schools) for this day.


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