The Department of Education (DepEd) and the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) release results of the 2015 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) also known as Principals' Test in several months after the exam. The complete list of passers and top 10 (topnotchers) are available on this page once announced online.

October 2015 NQESH Principals' Test results

NEAP simultaneously administered the NQESH for 19,372 total examinees across the country on October 25, 2015.

The official NQESH results include the complete name of the examinees, region, raw score and standard score.

Updating for the results...

The 2015 Principals' Test was originally scheduled for the first quarter of the year but has been deferred as advised by Maria Lourdes Pantoja, Director III of NEAP. Though it has been scheduled last September 27, NEAP postponed the exam again and was reset to October 2015 exam.

The revised examination covered 200 multiple choice items anchored on the role of a school head as stipulated in the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads (NCBSSH) & 21st Century Managerial Skills.

Cut-off score of the 2014 NQESH is placed at Percentile 90 based on the total standard score obtained by the examinees in all performance domains covered by the examination.

In last year's NQESH, 1,301 test takers passed the exam or have met the Cut-Off score. The exam which was administered on January 12, 2013 has results posted online in about 4 months (May 10, 2014.)

In 2013 exam, 1,454 out of the total 14,567 hurdled the exam which was administered on January 20. Results were released online in less than 3 months (April 8, 2013).

The results of October 2015 NQESH are expected to be released anytime in January to February 2016.

On NEAP's announcement on social media, the agency advised examinees to patiently wait for the announcement of results and cut-off passing score in the next months while the 19,000+ answer sheets are being processed.

"Individual certificates of rating of all test takers will be forwarded to the regional and schools division offices," NEAP added.

NQESH is open to all aspirants for the Principal I position and all applicants under the Reclassification of school Heads Position (RPHS) as acquired under DepEd Order No. 97, s. 2011 entitled “Revised Guidelines on the Allocation and Reclassification of School Head Positions.”

The Principals' Test serves as a mechanism for selecting school heads in the public education sector. The test is open to all interested applicants for Principal I positions.

The application process and guidelines for the 2016 Principals' Test will be announced next year.

TheSummitExpress will update this page for the full results of NQESH 2015. Like Us on Facebook or Follow Us on Twitter to receive updates. You may also Subscribe to our RSS Feeds or E-Mail List.


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