MANILA, Philippines – For the past couple of days, the Philippine Facebook community scrambled and bewildered by a sudden event entitled: “Suntukan sa Ace Hardware” which is scheduled to happen on April 15, 2016 at Ace Hardware SM Lucena City created and organized by a certain “Mr. Balagbag: Tuberong kulay green” (His displayed name on Facebook is NSFW).

"Suntukan sa Ace Hardware" Facebook
Thousands of netizens are really looking forward to the fight of the year.
Almost all Filipino yuppies saw the event and got curious. Various assumptions arose. Some guessed that it is one of the gimmicks of the well-known hardware to gain social media engagement. But many say that it is a total non-sense.

We approached “Tokis,” a youth influencer from down South of the Metro who’s a caretaker in a computer shop and tuned in Facebook for almost 24 hours a day for a living to ask what he knows about the hyped event. “Wala yun kuya, trip trip lang yun”, said Tokis combined with a boisterous laugh.

We checked the event page and to our surprise, the event garnered over 35,000 confirmed attendees! Must be a real blockbuster event!

Mr. Balagbag, which is obviously a fictitious name, also manages a fan page full of humorous and viral posts. Interestingly, one of Balagbag’s most engaging page-participants is a parody account of actor Baron Geisler who eventually will be the acting referee of the boxing match that got the netizens pumped-up and excited.

As we were browsing the event page and back-read the comments to look for relevant details such as: the combatants involved and the reason for the brawl, we were almost convinced by what Tokis had said that the event is a total non-sense and a waste of time. But there are tons of funny posts that even few personalities joined the “bandwagon” like Moonstar88 Band:
Moonstar88 Band Suntukan sa Ace hardware

The popular OPM band didn’t directly mentioned the event but evidently pertaining to Mr.Balagbag’s event that delighted its followers on Twitter.

Finally, someone had the guts to ask Ace Hardware on Facebook. And to clear everything out, the widely-known hardware released their statement via a post denying the event for the benefit of confused and wondered netizens.

Ace Hardware on Facebook statement

Aside from the clarification and as of press time, Ace Hardware has no intentions to investigate, track-down and file some legal actions to the real persons behind the false event.

Our hunch is, the people behind this fake event might be youngsters who just ended the school year for summer vacation.

To sum this up, and to reiterate Ace Hardware’s words, there’s no such event as “Suntukan sa Ace Hardware”. It is purely fictional.

Case closed. - Joey Boy Capos, The Summit Express


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