MANILA, Philippines- Nearly two weeks following the controversial mix-up of winners during the Miss Universe 2015 pageant, a video of a Colombian burning an effigy of Pia Wurtzbach during New Year’s eve emerged online.

Colombian burns effigy of Pia Wurtzbach on New Year’s eve

The man identified as Noider Almanza Barraza from Barranquilla, Colombia posted the minute-long video clip on Facebook. The controversial post, which has amassed more than 1,500 shares as of this writing, has sparked outrage among several Filipinos on social media.

In the video, Wurtzbach’s life-size dummy clad in blue gown, a Philippine sash and a made-up crown was set to fire in the middle of a street. Aside from Wurtzbach’s, American host Steve Harvey’s effigy was also burned.

Watch the video.

De esta manera se quemó misa philipinas y el presentador de misa universo el año viejo 2015...
Posted by Noider Almanza Barraza on Thursday, December 31, 2015

It is believed that such act was committed as a result of the mistake made by Harvey during the live telecast of the prestigious beauty pageant held last December 20 in Las Vegas in the United States. Harvey mistakenly crowned Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez as Miss Universe 2015. Minutes after the announcement, Harvey came forward to apologize for the gaffe and pronounced Wurtzbach as the rightful winner.

In an interview with Colombia’s W Radio, Gutierrez admitted she initially thought Harvey was making a joke.

"It has been very hard for me, truly, it has been a great shock. Because it is a dream I fought for. ...It was very humiliating for me,” Gutierrez revealed.

Gutierrez added: "I thought it was a joke. In the rehearsals, he did things like that.”

Furthermore, Gutierrez said that the organizers could have done the second announcement differently.

"They could have done it, I don't know, the next day in a press conference or a press release. ...They did not do things the right way,” she said.

Although the whole experience was humiliating for Gutierrez, she believes “making history” is more important than winning the highly-coveted crown. -Mini/TheSummitExpress


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