MANILA, Philippines - Popular social network Twitter went down as widely experienced by users on Tuesday night, January 19, 2016.

Twitter is down for many users after technical fault

Visitors being greeted by an error page which says "Something is technically wrong."

"Thanks for noticing - we're going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon," Twitter added.

Some mobile users are also unable to read or post tweets to the network which currently has 300 million active users.

According to Down Detector, the problem began shortly after 08:27 GMT.

The issue would probably seem like an "unwelcome headache" for Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey, according to consultants Frost & Sullivan.

There were also reported problems with Twitter's application program interface (API), which allows websites and apps to connect to Twitter, principal analyst Sheridan Nye told the BBC.

"The loss of the micro-blogging site's APIs multiplied the issue for all manner of developers, companies and organisations," he said.

Meanwhile, some users took to Facebook to complain.


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