MANILA, Philippines - Filipino bombmaker Ahmad Akmad Usman y Batabol known as Abdul Basit Usman was killed in an encounter with members of the MILF’s 118th base command at 11:50 am on Sunday, May 3, local officials have confirmed to media.

Terrorist Abdul Basit Usman is dead - local officials confirmed

Usman was shot dead in the mountainous barangay Muti, Guindulungan town of Maguindanao.

Senior Supt. Nickson Muksan, police chief for Maguindanao told to the death of Usman as confirmed with Muti chairman Gayak Midtimbang and Guindulungan mayor Midpantao Midtimbang.

Reports said that the government forces are now trying to secure the body of Usman from the MILF’s 118th Base Command.

Usman, born in Labo-Labo village in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao is the subject of an all-out offensive attack which the military began weeks after the Mamasapano incident on January 25, which led to the deaths of 44 Special Action Force troopers, 17 members of the MILF, and several civilians.

Usman and another Jemaah Islamiyah-linked bomb maker, Zulkifli bin Hir alias Marwan, were the subjects of the Mamasapano operation called Oplan Exodus. Marwan died in the incident but Usman was able to escape.

Usman was the suspect with the FitMart Mall bombing in General Santos City in April 21, 2002 which killed at least 15 people and injuring 55 others. He is on the US Rewards for Justice program list, offering US $1 Million for his capture.


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